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Mohamed Zakaria Soltan | One Concept Deep Inspiration 37

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작성자 captain4e 작성일21-01-20 05:11 조회1,366회 댓글0건


Mohamed Zakaria Soltan - Egypt

Mohamed Zakaria Soltan: An Egyptian Visual Artist, Engraver, Digital Artist, Painter, Graphic designer, Poster Designer, Full-time Doctor of advertising, Faculty of Applied Arts, October 6 University, Egypt, Soltan got his Bachelor of “Fine Arts” at “Graphic Department”, “Helwan University”, Egypt, 1996, Master Degree Faculty of Applied Arts, Advertising Department, Helwan University, 2004 & “Ph.D.” of “Applied Arts” at “Advertising Department” “Helwan University”, Egypt, 2010. He participated in more than 100 International Art & Design Events in many countries and in more than 40 art exhibitions in different governorates of Egypt, 17 Solo Exhibitions in the world, and many of online solo exhibitions on Chinese Universities and in Russia, He got many awards: an award of the R + Gallery of the Szczecin Art Academy, in the 6th International Triennial of Graphic Digital Arts, Gdynia 2019, Poland, Collection Certificates from The Beijing International Art Biennale 2015, & 2017, An Honorary Mention: International Contemporary Miniprint of Kazanlak 2015, Bulgaria, “Acknowledgment for the CGD Graphic Artwork” in “The 1st. International Exhibition of Exlibris”, at The Gallery of the Open University, Subotica, Serbia, 2015, International Jury in the contest “Posterists in the World” 2019 Cuzco, Peru, CEIDCA Belgium-China Honorary Member, Jury in The First International Image Meeting: Verne and the right to image, RINC Puebla, Mexico, August 2020, RINC Mexico Committee Member, Certified as a Joint Curator in the Taiwan Global Anti-Virus Graphic Design Exhibition by Kaohsiung Creators Association, Taiwan, 2020.
Mohamed Zakaria Soltan, Ph.D., Faculty of Applied Arts, Advertising Department, "O6U" University, Egypt.B.F.A., C-IDEA China Member, RINC Mexico Committee Member, CEIDCA Belgium-China Honorary Member.
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Mobile : (+2) 010 0160 86 22  (+2) 010 1566 88 44
WeChat ID   :  m_z_soltan

Artwork information:

2. One Concept Deep Inspiration 37, Digital Print, 50  x 70 cm, 2018

[이 게시물은 SLD님에 의해 2021-03-29 08:36:18 행복갤러리에서 이동 됨]


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