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Hina Qadeer | Sufi Darvesh

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작성자 captain4e 작성일22-05-12 05:38 조회907회 댓글0건


Hina Qadeer - Pakistan

Artwork information : 4
Sufi Darvesh, This art is made up of Clay, 24 × 24 cm, 2021 

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About the artist :

I am Hina Qadeer from Rawalpindi, Pakistan.. I am an artist and a Fashion designer.. I am intrested in arts field since childhood.. I have made alot of handmade items like, Cushions, Pouches, handmade Ladies Bags, wall Hanging, beautiful decoration baskets , home decoration Lampshades etc.. I have done Intermediate of Commerce ( Then in 2018 I have done Fashion designing (duration 1 year) from Tevta Institute Rawalpindi, I got first position in F.D, In 2019 I have done internship in Industrial Engineering from Kohinoor Textile Mills Limited Pakistan,

Then In 2019_2020, I have done Industrial Stitching Course from National University of Technology (Nutech) Islamabad and I got *National Certificate* from there.

In January 2021, I had Participated in National and International Online Arts Competitions and Exhibitions.. I got Participation Certificate of Arts Competition from Al khidmat Foundation Pakistan.

In February 2021, I had Participated in Painting Competitions from India and Bangladesh,

I won the 2nd Position of Painting Competition from The TALENT Club Of India

[이 게시물은 SLD님에 의해 2022-10-16 15:02:06 행복갤러리에서 이동 됨]


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