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작성자 captain4e 작성일20-06-28 15:02 조회3,342회 댓글0건


" 당신이 대한민국 Captain 입니다"

지도선장 시리즈 : "지도선장의 오대양 육대주 대항해"

Korean born and world famous original painter of [The Sea Captain]

From the book “Famous Korean People”-


Yoo Choong Yeul | South Korea


Yoo Choong Yeul was born July 23rd 1960 in the Kyung-Gi Province Kwang Ju City.

He entered art in 1981 and for 35 years he has been recognized as one of the top Korean painters.


His work is mostly based on realism and best known for classic portraits.


From the start of his career he dreamt of being one of the most recognized painters in the world and in the year 1985 he painted “Sea Captain” and his work was given the honor of being featured in the famous “Decor” magazine in 1988.


In 2010 his work was featured as the cover page of England’s artbook “Art in Vogue”. And in 2012 his work was also featured as the cover page for publications from America’s Morningside Publishing, Ekidsland Publishing, LLC.


His has 57 paintings listed for copy right in America and a number of his work is also listed in Korea’s Patent office for design work as well.


And in Italy his work was featured in Art Book “EFFETTO ARTE” and was exhibited on a number of occasions. Also in 2016 he was awarded the best artist of 2016 from Costanza Foundation.


His international exhibits include Portugal, Netherlands, Turkey, Iran, Macedonia, Germany and in 2015 and 2016 he was the leading figure in arranging a massive international exhibit with “Haegeum Taema Museum” in Geuje inviting 110 parinters from 25 countries.


In 2016 his designed a Hollywood Movie poster “I Am Someone”

Artwork information :

Map Captain (지도선장) 5, Oil on Canvas, 51.5 x 61 cm, 2007

[이 게시물은 SLD님에 의해 2020-10-04 22:09:03 행복갤러리에서 이동 됨]


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