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유충열 | St. Simons Island Map Captain

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작성자 captain4e 작성일20-09-02 04:39 조회3,249회 댓글0건


" 당신이 대한민국 Captain 입니다"

지도선장 시리즈 : "지도선장의 오대양 육대주 대항해"

Saint Simons Island Sea Captain의 제작동기는 2012년 후반기, 미국 조지아주에 사는 Terri Gaylor와 함께 시작되었다.

​작품정보 :

St. Simons Island Map Captain 4, Oil on Canvas 61 x 51.5 cm, 2013

St. Simons Island Map Captain 5,  Oil on Canvas 93 x 61 cm , 2013
- Google translation -

"You are the Captain of Korea"

Captain Series: "The Captain's Sailing Against the Five Oceans and Six Majorities"

The motivation for the production of Saint Simons Island Sea Captain began in the second half of 2012, with Terri Gaylor living in Georgia, USA.

​Artwork information:

St. Simons Island Map Captain 4, Oil on Canvas 61 x 51.5 cm, 2013

St. Simons Island Sea Captain 5, Oil on Canvas 93 x 61 cm, 2013

[이 게시물은 SLD님에 의해 2020-10-04 22:09:03 행복갤러리에서 이동 됨]


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