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Reen Sanderse | Summer

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작성자 captain4e 작성일21-03-01 21:18 조회1,323회 댓글0건


Reen Sanderse - The Netherlands

CV :
Reen (Ireen) Sanderse (1953)The Netherlands, is working as a professional artist since 1990. Specialties : mixed media digital light art, drawing/painting, design, photography, lyricist
She is owner of the artgallery ‘Kunstkabinet d’Oude Winkel, in the city Oostburg, The Netherlands.
Gallery Van Rijn, Hillegom, The Netherlands 2001-2011
Reen took part in several art projects and worked together with many artists.
The project ‘Pelgrimrage’ 2003-2018 ,The project  ‘The woman behind the chador’ 2001, project Hartstocht 2010, . Send me a postcard 2017
 Reen was initiator and organizor of four big arts events ‘De Kunstroute’ in Hillegom/ Lisse, The Netherlands, in 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011.
Member of GAP international, Leading Art Iran, Honourable associate from Bangiya Kala Kendra, Mumbai India, Art NİĞDE International, Turkey.
 In 2020 she found a new way to express herself: playing with photography, digital art, light effects and drawing, she creates wonderfull artworks; mixed media/digital light art.

Reen Sanderse
Nieuwstraat 66
4501 BE Oostburg
The Netherlands

Tel. 00316 40425895


Artwork information :
4. Summer, 2020

[이 게시물은 SLD님에 의해 2021-05-27 16:51:17 행복갤러리에서 이동 됨]


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