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Safa Bute | Safa Büte - Turkey

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작성자 captain4e 작성일20-09-27 18:17 조회1,582회 댓글0건


SAFA BÜTE                                                                  

Safa Bute, like his work, has inspired respect and admiration as he emerged from the obscurity of humble beginnings to become one of the most widely recognized and beloved artists in his homeland, Turkey.  In the summer of 1987, Bute emerged as an artist and created the art technique now known throughout Turkey as the “Safa Bute Style”.

Although Bute was unable to pursue the educational path he dreamed of as a child, he created a new style of art that has been the subject of increasing interest all over the world, as collectors in Europe and the USA follow his marks.  Art critics reviewing exhibits agree that the style is unique.

Now he is creating his art works at his studios located in Adana City and Tyana.



2007, Director of the 1. Adana City International Contemporary Art Biennale

2006, Honorary Member of Cultural Association Terra Dell´Arte in Italy

2005, Member of the Artistic Committee of the International Arad Biennale of Contemporary Art in Romania.

2003, 4th award winner of the International Florence Biennale of Contemporary Art in Italy.

2001, 2000 WAIS People Choice Award Winner at the “Ten Top World Artists Invitational Show” organized by Artists Own Registry in Australia.

1999 Nominated to the Time Magazine online poll in the category of Most Influential Artist of the 20th Century

1998 Featured artist at ArtQuest in USA

Artwork information :

8. The Storm - Oil on canvas - 50x100cm 1997 - By Safa Büte


9. The Virgin in my dreams-2 -  Ink on plastic - 30x40cm 1991 - By Safa Büte


[이 게시물은 SLD님에 의해 2020-11-09 14:22:40 행복갤러리에서 이동 됨]


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