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Marija T. Papadopoulos | Bleeding Faith in Flying

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작성자 captain4e 작성일20-12-02 19:13 조회1,493회 댓글0건


Marija Tanaskovic Papadopoulos -  USA, Serbia


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 Summary:Marija was born in Belgrade/ Serbia in 1976 where she graduated at the University of Fine Arts in 2001 as a Sculptor. Since 2004 she lives in Chicago with her husband, where she is working in art studio as a fine artist and as a graphic and web designer, too. She is multimedia artist. Marija is sculpturing in terracotta, and also in 3D programs for sculpturing, she is painting oil on canvas, digital paintings, pastels and water colors. She is illustrator and a photographer, as well.Tanaskovic obtained the highest recognition and many very important awards for her art from the world of renewed critics and curators in Italy, United States and South Korea but also critics in Latino America, Serbia and Canada. The international critics placed her among the Best Contemporary Artists of the 21 century in many important books and publications.


Artwork information: 1
Bleeding Faith in Flying, 2017, water Colors on paper 18x24 inches 

[이 게시물은 SLD님에 의해 2021-02-18 13:08:29 행복갤러리에서 이동 됨]


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