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Maruja Panti | Rhapsody 2

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작성자 captain4e 작성일21-03-24 05:14 조회1,406회 댓글0건


Maruja Panti - Philippines

Electricity (CV of an Artist):

I am Maruja Panti, from Philippines, a self-taught artist and also a photographer. A Civil Engineer by profession with a further study of Master’s Degree in Public Administration. It is my dream since I was little to become an artist, so I did all my best to find my way to arts. I attended art workshops, seminars and art jams. I can do oil, acrylic and mixed media painting on canvas. Most of the exhibits I joined are for a cause. I have my commissioned artworks in England, Indonesia, Singapore and here in the Philippines. I used to volunteer in art therapy for cancer patients and down syndrome kids. I was once become the president of our province art organization. I believe that everyone of us are unique and it is my desire to give my share to the world through my arts. My favorite subject is women, which I paint it with resiliency and strength, I like to build an inspiration from women that they are full of hopes and dreams.

This is what I believe as an artist;

“No one colors the world and reflects the light exactly the way you can.” Maruja


Artwork information :

9. Rhapsody 2, Acrylic on canvas, 28 x 46, in, 2016

[이 게시물은 SLD님에 의해 2021-05-27 16:51:38 행복갤러리에서 이동 됨]


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