Untitled #4 > SLD갤러리

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Sonja Cvetkovic | Untitled #4

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작성자 captain4e 작성일21-07-26 13:28 조회1,228회 댓글0건


Sonja Cvetković - Serbia

Biography : 

Sonja Cvetkovic was born 1987. in Kragujevac, Serbia. She has bachelor’s degree in History of Art and MA degree in Painting. The Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia rewarded Cvetkovic with Stipendy for extraordinary gifted students. Also, she has Degree of VI biennale Ex Libris 2016 for exceptional contribution to graphic technique (Serbia). She got the award at 21st Incheon Metropolitan City Art Exhibition 2020 (South Korea). Cvetkovic collectively exhibited 70 times in Serbia and abroad and 5 times was  individual exhibition’s author. She writes rewievs and her works was published in Painting Life mazagine, which presents summary of painting scene in Serbia.  She works and lives in Bratislava. 

Concept :

During my stay in Bratislava, I made a project that made a series of portraits of small format.  These are drawings made by the rapidographer technique.  The idea was to present casually seen faces, accidental passers-by, which is why the exhibition is named "Find yourself!" I wanted to show different faces from different angles and with different psychological characteristics.   I rely on the first impression and on the portrait features that were left in my memory during the first encounter.  After years of working on a human figure, I felt the need for something new.  Then I started quite by accident to do illustrative drawings that have a hint of caricature.  I wanted to get rid of it or to run away from work on a model (before that I did paintings, sculptures and drawings by a living model).  It was a time when I read a lot about Egon Schiele and watched his works (Belvedere Museum, Wien, Austria) and every time I saw something new.  This exhibition is inspired by Schiele's portraits and self-portraits.  Before starting work on the drawings, I made many sketches that I carried on paper.  Some of them have been altered.   The first idea of ​​this concept was that the whole would be achromatic, and then I decided to use the color to achieve wealth not only in the line, but also in color.   On some drawings there is a lot of color that is actually energy transferred in the form of a line.  Every move by a rapidographer is a small part of creative energy, and their set makes one great harmonious whole.  All lines are in correlation with color and are presented as spiritual interweaving.  These are portraits of faces and casual passers-by and people from my surroundings.  During my stay in Bratislava, I met many interesting people and I am constantly surrounded by them.  Apart from Schiele, this exhibition was inspired by the people whose faces were somehow unconsciously preserved in my memory.  Sometimes it can be found two faces in one drawing.  Exhibition as well as its name “Find yourself!” has an interactive character.  Visitors can identify with exposed portraits or find similarities.  

Website : https://www.facebook.com/sonja.cvetkovic.547

Artwork information :

Untitled #4 rapidographer on paper, 21 x 29,7 cm, 2018 

[이 게시물은 SLD님에 의해 2021-10-29 13:31:19 행복갤러리에서 이동 됨]


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