Flight of the Wiry Split Lute > SLD갤러리

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Harriette Lawler | Flight of the Wiry Split Lute

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작성자 captain4e 작성일21-04-26 19:26 조회1,294회 댓글0건


Harriette Lawler - United States

Originally from Louisiana, I moved to NYC after graduating university and art school. In

addition to being a sculptor and artist, I also worked on staff at NYC magazines including

Rolling Stone, the Village Voice, and Popular Mechanics plus freelance magazine work. After 20

wonderful and memorable years in NYC, I now reside in the New Mexico mountains. During my

art career, I have shown my work in Europe, Asia, and the USA with commissions in NYC, Los

Angeles, and London. I have also co-directed 2 artist collective galleries in years past, curated

and organized exhibitions, and currently direct the online Illume International Gallery with 4

other artists on our Illume Advisory Council. Our focus is to provide opportunities, exposure,

and mutual support to our fellow artists via collective exhibitions of high quality and substance.

My own work relates to the changing mental, spiritual, emotional, or earthly landscapes that we

traverse in life. Spaces are defined to convey a particular realm of existence, quest, gesture,

moment in time, or saga and to reflect the dichotomies of life: order/chaos, refinement/rawness,

the primal/the intellect, tranquility/turbulence. I often incorporate ladders, doors, windows and

other literal passageways into my work to represent transits through hardships or difficult times.

However, in some series such as the Arcs/Restrung Bows, Citadel Triad, and the String Band

series, the calmness, harmony, and even joy achieved after these difficult transits are expressed.

My sculptures are often cut from one flat sheet of metal, torched, and then the sculpture pulled

out into a 3D work. This process produces a fluidic quality, which transforms the metal’s natural

rigidity. Other works are assembled by welding or soldering the metal elements. Color in my

work is brought about by torching and/or oxidizing and/or weathering the materials, particularly

copper and steel. Thus in a very literal fashion, I also ‘paint’ with fire and water.

I have recently also started experimenting with digital manipulation and enhancement on photos

of my sculptures, drawings, and other artworks to create a separate but kindred digital artwork —

or 'companion piece’ — to the physical work.



Artwork information :

3. Flight of the Wiry Split Lute(from the String Band series), copper, nickel, aluminum, mixed metal guitar strings, 43 x 35.5 x 30.5 cm, 2015

[이 게시물은 SLD님에 의해 2021-07-14 14:14:17 행복갤러리에서 이동 됨]


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