Women and art in the pandemic 3 > SLD갤러리

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Sukran Yangh Ust | Women and art in the pandemic 3

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작성자 captain4e 작성일21-06-13 19:30 조회1,308회 댓글0건


Şükran yangn Üst - Turkey 


She was born in Pazar .She complted secondary and high education in Trabzon.In 1997 she firished Education Faculty of K.T.U Drawing,Art Deparment.The She prepared a caricature albume with students. In 2001 she starded working at A.G.S.L she helped the students win many first prize awards both in the country and in the world. She went to Macedonia and Slovenya,Belçika,Ukrayna,Gürcistan,Almanya with her students to work on .art galeries.She had hundreds of  art students . She got awards at Trabzon Municipality Art competition. She organised many Personal art exhibitions in Trabzon ,Ankara,İstanbul,Samsun,Mersin,Muğla,Bursa,Çanakkale,Ordu,İzmir,Rusya,Ukrayna,Gürcistan Lefkose,and Magosa,such as 220,mixed art exhibition ,in İstanbul, Eskişehir,Trabzon 10  personal art exhibitor,two personal caricature exhibition .She has made many television and radio programmes about art.She joined the panel on visual pollution as panelist orgaised by Trabzon Art Home. She organised a lot of exhibitions and has been Jury in many art contes.On 8th of MarchWorld Woman’s Day she organised drawing festival.Form 14 counrty 100 women artist joined the festival. She has got many drawings at Trabzon and Hopa Municipalities. Gürcistan kültür bakanı,Rusya ressamlar akademisi,Ukrayna çağdaşsanatlar müzesi,yurt içi ve yurt dışı birçok özel koleksiyonda eserleri var.In 2007 she foundet Femin & Art .She is also a member of Trabzon caricature organization.Trabzon Soroptimist organization,U.P.S.D International Plastic Art .She worked at many organizations which defend woman’s rights . Her aim is ta make people aware of the art.She is married and has got a child.She continues to work at school at home and at the 5 Seasons Art Home.


1- Trabzon Minisipality National Cartoon Competition- Motivation plaket

2- Trabzon Minisipality  Joke competition Mansion

3- Jury Prize of the 3rd Russia international horses Vandorfol painting competition

4- Russian Artists Academy Cultural Ambassador Award

  5th National Portrait Competition Second

6- Ural University Art Honors Award

Tel : o905057796110     

email : sukran_ust@hotmail.com        

Website : www.feminart.org


Artwork information:

Women and art in the pandemic 3, Colored pencil, 30 x 30

[이 게시물은 SLD님에 의해 2021-09-08 18:53:36 행복갤러리에서 이동 됨]


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