행복갤러리 온라인전시 GAPI와 협업 추진 서신 > 공지사항

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행복갤러리 온라인전시 GAPI와 협업 추진 서신

페이지 정보

작성자 SLD 작성일21-04-08 15:27 조회2,934회 댓글0건


행복갤러리의 온라인전시 작업 중에서 외국작가들의 작품전시는 유충열 작가께서 추천하신 작가를 위주로 진행하고 있습니다. 유충열 작가께서 홍보대사로 활동하고 계신 GAPI(Genuine art Projects international)​ 회원작가들이 참여하고 있음을 고려하여 GAPI 로고를 사용하기로 했습니다.

​GAPI 운영진에서 보내온 서신을 공유합니다.

Dear Chung Youngjin,

Thanks to Yoo Choong-Yeul, ambassador of Genuine art Projects international (GAPI), we heard of Happy Gallery. Since he asked us for Happy Gallery to make use of our logo, it is that we want to present ourselves to you.

Gogyoshi Art Project international changed its name into Genuine Art Projects international (Genuine means: real, true, sincerely). Because of the new name, the logo changed.

GAPI, the abbreviation, stayed the same for it has become a sort of brand name to many artists around the world. We cooperate with other art groups such as PAS Portugal, L’Art Iran, Korean art groups of Yoo Choong Yeul, Art Nigde from Turkey and possible cooperation with other art groups like ACCES, France.

Gogyoshi Art Project international was based upon and inspired by the gogyoshi written by Taro Aizu.

GAPI now focuses onto real, true and sincere exhibitions that matter to people and their surroundings. So we choose to make art about subjects that matter in life, like environmental and humanitarian issues, like childcare, human rights, disasters, ozon problems, and so forth.

GAPI exhibited in the Netherlands, England, Belgium, Germany, Finland, Spain, Portugal, Macedonia, Iran, Turkey and South-Korea.

We hope Genuine Art Projects international and HAPPY GALLERY will have a great and long-lasting cooperation in exhibiting art. We are thrilled to have HAPPY GALLERY use our logo so we can both expand, create and show meaningful art form across the world. Please send us the logo of HAPPY GALLERY, so we can show it on our Facebookgroup, website and catalogs.

Where can you find information about GAPI?


(3) Genuine Art Projects international (GAPi) | Facebook


Genuine Art Projects international formerly known as Gogyoshi Art Project international (projectmailartbooks.com)

Online catalog:


With warm regards,


Ed Hanssen (initiator, co-organiser),

Fred van Welie (co-organiser) and

Carmen Heemels (co-organiser).





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E-mail : afvision@naver.com
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